Galerie A: Exhibition MULTIPLES 2010-2016
In October 2016 Galerie A will present multiples and artists books by John Bock, Monica Bonvicini,
Maurizio Cattelan, Douglas Gordon, Jonathan Monk, Martha Rosler and manny others.
All editions are published after 2010. A price-list will be sent on request.
Photo on top: Monica Bonvicini, 19 Tonnes For You, three-part steel chain, 100 (+ 20) numbered & signed copies, Berlin, 2011.
Galerie A
open: Monday and Tuesday, 1-5 PM;
other days: only by appointment.
Johannes Verhulststraat 53
1071 MS Amsterdam
+31(0)20 6714087
Left: DOUGLAS GORDON – Larger than life / Lifesize / Smaller than life, 3 C-Prints, 100 numbered & signed copies, Berlin, 2011; set of 3: € 1400,-