Ben Vautier

1935 - 2024

Ben Vautier (1935-2024) also known simply as Ben, was a French artist. He lived and worked in Nice.

About Ben Vautier

BEN VAUTIER can be considered as one of the most important representatives of Fluxus in Europe. In his work, often consisting of handwritten texts on canvas, wood, paper or other materials, he is occupied with things such as originality (IS THIS NEW), rivalry (LIFE IS COMPETITION) and fame (JE VEUX LA GLOIRE). He has his doubts about his own activities (JE SUIS UN PEINTRE RETÉ) as well as those of others (DIE WAHRHEIT IST DASS WIR ALLE HIER SIND UM GESEHEN ZU WERDEN. JEDER IST AUF DEN ANDERN EIFERSÜCHTIG).

Since 1976 BEN participated in many exhibitions and festivals (co) organised by Galerie A, Amsterdam.